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ODDIS® 360°

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ODDIS® 360°

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Product Information

A Bartell & Bartell, Ltd. product for 360 degree feedback on managerial and leadership effectiveness.

What is ODDIS® 360°?

ODDIS® 360° is a diagnostic software program that provides leaders and managers with feedback on leadership skills and behaviors that impact their performance and effectiveness.  ODDIS® 360°, in our Organizational Diagnostic and Development Intervention System family of products, focuses in on the individual and their interactions with those around them.  It is the result of over 30 years of research and experience, examining the relationship between leadership, organizational culture, and organizational effectiveness.  The ODDIS® 360° instrument is designed to be efficient, cost effective, and extremely rich in practical, developmental feedback.
How does ODDIS® 360° work?

Maintaining total confidentiality with a PIN system, ODDIS® 360° prompts participants in the assessment (typically superior(s), peers, subordinates, customers, etc.) to respond to a series of questions about the focal individual.  Participants provide their expectations and observations, and then are prompted to select behavioral indicators to clarify the response.  An ODDIS® 360° assessment takes an average of 45 minutes for a participant to complete.
What are ODDIS® 360° results like?

ODDIS® 360° results are colorful and graphic and designed to be easy to read, use, and track future development progress.  The reports go beyond providing ratings, to providing both positive comments and developmental suggestions for every dimension.  ODDIS® 360° prioritizes developmental opportunities (so the individual knows where to invest their energies) and provides prescriptions to fast track development.  Done over time, ODDIS® 360° reports also track developmental progress, and compare results to those of others in the organization, as well as a database of leaders across the world.

Versions of ODDIS® 360°:

  • Executive (measures 30 dimensions)
  • Emerging Leader/Supervisory/Management (measures 23 dimensions)
  • Technical/Support (measures 20 dimensions)

ODDIS® 360° Applications:

  • Measure specific areas of leadership strength and development opportunities to establish a prioritized plan for leadership development.
  • Look at composite ODDIS® 360° results to formulate a training and development needs assessment.
  • Consider ODDIS® 360° as a constructive, developmental alternative to "performance appraisals".
  • Use ODDIS® 360° as a tool for succession planning, career development, and team alignment.
  • Unleash the potential of your team members to create a high-performance organization.


Product CodeODDIS_360

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